Become a Facilitator
Offer the gift of health and recovery
Offer the gift of freedom
A Training for Facilitators
Saturday and Sunday , July 18th - 19th
Phoenix Freedom: Basic Training for Facilitators
with Hypnosis and Special Techniques for Additional Support
10AM – 4:30PM each day.
Training is held in Orlando, Florida
(Image courtesy of Danlin/FreeDigitalPhotos.net)
With increasing health awareness and the rising price of cigarettes, more and more smokers are looking for the way to break free of this unwanted habit. Now is the time to play a part in this global change and meet the needs of a growing market.
The Phoenix Freedom program is an effective resource for people who have decided to quit smoking. It brings together powerful tools from the fields of Neurolinguistics, Psychology, Physiology and Hypnosis in a cutting-edge approach to smoking cessation. This is the approach that I have used successfully with clients time and again to help them break free of the nicotine habit.
Learn to facilitate this empowering process and make a real difference in the lives of people who have struggled to overcome their dependence on nicotine. The Phoenix Freedom program can help with cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, and even electronic cigarettes.
Here's how the program works for your clients:
- The program involves an initial consultation (live or by phone) and two live sessions. The initial consultation helps you determine if the client is a good candidate – learning to screen your clients ensures the highest possible success rate. Some people aren't ready … they'll be back. Other people respond better to different modalities … we'll teach you how to direct them. You only work with the ones that will succeed with this program and your referrals (and income) will increase.
- In the first session you prepare your clients for their freedom day as you work together to develop an individualized process that will help them break the habit pattern of smoking. You will teach them a personalized technique that they can use to distance the urge to smoke anytime it arises as they prepare for their freedom day.
- The second session is the day your client lets go of cigarettes .. more easily and effortlessly than they had imagined possible.
Hypnosis may be employed to supplement the process (and some clients really want that). That's why we've included two extra hypnosis protocols and everything you need to be able to add this element into your program. *Although it isn't a complete course in hypnotherapy, it's jam packed with everything you need to use it within the context of this program.
There are also numerous "extra" tips and techniques on day two to help your clients handle any special concerns, eliminate cravings, and be done with smoking for good.
You will learn how to use the Phoenix Freedom program with clients. You will be trained in every aspect of it and through role play and exercise we will help you to integrate the process so that you can develop confidence in your ability to use it comfortably with others
Your extensive training materials will include –
Basic Training:
- complete notes to guide you through the entire process
- promotional copy and letters to use in your correspondence
- forms to use in your intake and consultations
- exercise instructions to distribute to you clients
Hypnosis and Special Techniques
- complete instructions for simple hypnotic induction
- hypnosis scripts for preparation and smoking cessation sessions
- Audio CDs of hypnosis sessions for your study or to give to your clients.
- A collection of special techniques, tips and tricks that you can use to support your client
- Extra Tools for handling challenging situations.
You will also be granted a permanent license to use these materials and the name "Phoenix Freedom Program". You will also be allowed to copy the client materials and CDs to give to your clients. These copyrighted materials can ONLY be used with permission and are yours to distribute in your practice.
Join the Community - As a graduate of this program, you'll also become a lifetime member of an online community of practitioners who are using these methods with their clients. This group provides mentorship, access to articles and information. variations on the technique, updates, access to forms and other support materials. You're never alone.
Registration Information
Tuition for this professional training is only $325 for everything (that's less that $165 a day)
Save up to $100! - Register until July 1st for only $225 for the complete program and all materials and extras.
Register Below or call us for more information at 407-481-0802.
Phoenix Freedom Enrollment (After July 1st)
Register for this comprehensive program and add these powerful tools to your work for only $325. This includes training in the protocols, a manual for your use with clients, hypnosis CDs, forms, promotional material, ongoing internet support group ... and a license to reproduce this copyrighted material for your clients ... and a certificate suitable for framing, to validate your training.
Phoenix Freedom - Early Registration (Until July 1st)
(Save $100) - Register by July 1st for only $225