I like to make introductions, and this time of year offers lots of opportunities to meet new people, try new electronic gadgets (thanks, cyber Monday), and explore new ideas. And as the new year approaches, people are resolving to make changes in their lives and expand into the future (especially after being introduced to all of that holiday food).
And we are expanding. As we put another year behind us, we are either getting wiser and better and finding more fulfillment in our lives, or we are growing more complacent and compliant and learning to put up with ourselves or our circumstances. Or of course, there is that third option - some of us may be growing more frustrated in our attempts to change. Frustration is made out of two elements. "Want to" and "Can't". Put 'em together and waddya got? Frustration.
But when it comes to personal growth, there's another name for it. I like to call it Divine Discontent. It's the raw stuff that change is made out of. It's the "kick in the ass" or "nagging feeling" or maybe a "deep longing" that lets us know it's time for a change. This is the driving force behind evolution, and when we know how to use it, it can open us up to richer, fuller expressions of ourselves. We ARE evolving.
One sure way to become frustrated is to try to ignore those inner urgings ... to stuff them down, medicate them, keep ourselves distracted, dissociated. We try to stifle it, when we can let it guide us and lead us to more fulfilling lives.
In therapy and coaching we find that symptoms (everything from anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, even angry outbursts and unwanted behaviors) are often the impoverished expressions of some aspect of our being that is trying to evolve. The frustrated attempts of some emerging self that wants out.
Core Transformation is a brilliant process that gets to the heart of the matter, gently and easily, and by connecting you with your own deeper self, helps to bring you to a life of greater self awareness, self acceptance and self expression.
I'm happy to be offering this training here in a mini-course as well as in live venues. After learning Core Transformation back in the early 90s from Connirae Andreas, I've added words like "richer", "resonant" "fulfilling" and "expansive" to my vocabulary. I've come to know myself in new ways ... and I'm coming to BE myself in new ways, thanks to this brilliant process.
And we are expanding. As we put another year behind us, we are either getting wiser and better and finding more fulfillment in our lives, or we are growing more complacent and compliant and learning to put up with ourselves or our circumstances. Or of course, there is that third option - some of us may be growing more frustrated in our attempts to change. Frustration is made out of two elements. "Want to" and "Can't". Put 'em together and waddya got? Frustration.
But when it comes to personal growth, there's another name for it. I like to call it Divine Discontent. It's the raw stuff that change is made out of. It's the "kick in the ass" or "nagging feeling" or maybe a "deep longing" that lets us know it's time for a change. This is the driving force behind evolution, and when we know how to use it, it can open us up to richer, fuller expressions of ourselves. We ARE evolving.
One sure way to become frustrated is to try to ignore those inner urgings ... to stuff them down, medicate them, keep ourselves distracted, dissociated. We try to stifle it, when we can let it guide us and lead us to more fulfilling lives.
In therapy and coaching we find that symptoms (everything from anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, even angry outbursts and unwanted behaviors) are often the impoverished expressions of some aspect of our being that is trying to evolve. The frustrated attempts of some emerging self that wants out.
Core Transformation is a brilliant process that gets to the heart of the matter, gently and easily, and by connecting you with your own deeper self, helps to bring you to a life of greater self awareness, self acceptance and self expression.
I'm happy to be offering this training here in a mini-course as well as in live venues. After learning Core Transformation back in the early 90s from Connirae Andreas, I've added words like "richer", "resonant" "fulfilling" and "expansive" to my vocabulary. I've come to know myself in new ways ... and I'm coming to BE myself in new ways, thanks to this brilliant process.
This short video is the first of five focusing in on the Core Transformation process. To get the whole set, subscribe to our blog (using the link in the right hand column). You can also read about Core Transformation and how to use it in Connirae and Tamara Andreas' brilliant book:Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within
And of course, when it comes to learning, nothing can compare to the experience of a LIVE, hands-on training which are available from time to time through us, and other organizations. Michael Watson is proud to be one of a handful of licensed US trainers authorized by Connirae Andreas to present this program. Here are the details of our next Core Transformation Training.